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Zero Knight
Zero Knight

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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 2:05 am

post you're battle with other users here lol Very Happy
Instead of going off topic on other threads xD
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FusionFall Name : Jazz "Mau" Taluring
Level : 21
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 7:43 am

Step Up!
All those who wish do do battle in the Xtreme Arena!

Two Champions will be called to battle here for it is the will of Xtreme to knight only Brazenness of Heroes among it's most ellete.

So who will be the first competitors?
FusionFall may not have PvP,
But Apparently now Xtreme does!

Are we gonna have duelists post up a stat page of their chosen hero that way we dont have another "you forgot I was wearing Ultimate armor that reflects ALL attacks"

Watching several matches in the past I would like to comment on the things I have noticed:

-No one shot kills-
I know some of you are really competitive and I can understand that .
But if you could, try NOT to go for the Nuclear Option Plz??

If you try to one shot kill your oponent, then they'll want to counter with their one shot kill. And then it just becomes a match up between two increasingly angry people that want the other to roll over and die without a fight.

I saw that during that match up, Kyle Saturday did a tactical retreat like a champ against The Hom.
He could have kept wailing at The Hom but instead He contributed to the story of the battle by vowing revenge and flying off swiftly into the sunset like a boss.

Very Pro man.

Very Pro.

It shouldn't necessarly be about the finishing blow but the route the battle takes before it gets there. I understand that you guys are going to be wanting to make BIG attacks and go on ahead and feel free to do so
But dont do it for the reasons of trying to make it look like your character is truely better than your opponent. It's not fun to read and gets super-ultra stale after a while.

Why else do you think The Hom said it was getting boring???

-Be honest about your weaknessess-
If you are a blood thirsty, cannabalistic demon assasin with the power to rival an elephant pumped up on steroids...........then that means I should still be able to lure you into a trap with a double chocolate fudge cake as the bait and you should be completely fine with it.

AFTER you get lured into the trap, THEN you can bust out or whatever with whatever reason you feel that you can still bust out, out saying for instance "Ha ha! you almost got me with that trick, but make sure next time you dont use a wooden box with a stick and some string tied around it n00b!"

We know you like your character powered up and whatknot but if your armour is made out of pure grade Titanium, then your armour can still be cracked with a Diamond Sword.
And dont give me no lip about it either.
Science was my strongest subject in school so I'll be watching you n00bs closely.....

think about your weaknesses and keep them in mind as you duel. Treat it as a boss fight. If your opponent seems to hit your weakness on the head, for the sake of fun, throw him a bone. If Ultra's weakness is a fear of heights then if X flies Ultra up to the sky for a devastating drop slam, ultra should be plagued with fear, unable to move for the time being.

Also, just think about it, the content from each duel can be used in your stories. I doubt anyone is gonna mind really. Doing this, aids in your skill as a writer. Surprised

Since a majoity of you have written fanfictions here, I think the battles should be judged on the quality of the posts from each duelist.

Categories being:
(Subject to change)

(Plz dont have me empasize on how important this is. If you cant do so well, then dont let it bother you too much.)

(If it reads like a standard post, you're doin' good champ.

If it reads like a professional writer, THEN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE!? )

(yes. Hom Choi. Grammar.

Only if possible, try to be kind to the eyes with grammar. if you cant manage then that's cool too. We Necropost here. we still wont care too much if you misshpell sume wrords...lulz.)

(Xtreme-ness is the kind of category that cannot be described. It is an undefinable entity that will shout out it's presence like a Nordic warrior's battle cry once it is near. Which ever duelists posts the most Xtreme duel gets the most points from this category.)

(You found out that Gold armour is highly maliable and COMPLETELY, AND UTTERLY USELESS AS ARMOUR!? So you can fly in hurricane winds and your opponent cant? Your gun broke but you ate the powercells in it and bit your opponent to poison him??? Did you run out of moves and you used Struggle?? Did your opponent have you in a corner with out your weapon so you did the last thing that you could do.........Throw your FusionMatter COM at his eye, run up while he's distracted, kick him in the crotch with your metal legs and then as he's doubled over in pain and agony, elbow him in the back of the neck???
Why you crafty sly dog! There's a reward for that!)

For right now, let's just use this thread to debate about how we will do this.

We can make a new official one later.

I'm thinkin' there should be some kind of limit. A day limit, a post limit, a # of pages limit. I just dont want it to end only when one person decides it's best that he be the bigger man and just retreat.

Another thing I'm thinkin of,
There should be a Game master that will call random people to duel. Those that said that they will battle will be called. It wont be someone that doesn't want to or their character doesnt have powers.
The Game master will determine the setting of the story to keep it interesting obvously.

One time you might be dueling on an active volcano....another you might be using Justin Beiber fans as meat sheilds as you completely destroy the concert and then someone opens a portal to the neververse and you take the battle there.

(never did I say that you ONLY have to duel there lol! )
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RETIRED Administrator

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XLR8 147
XLR8 147

FusionFall Name : XLR8 147 + IRON 147
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Age : 28
FF Location : Sector V [Future :D]

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 1:26 pm

XLR8 147:

- Advanced knowledge in science. (Like Spider-Man and Batman and Iron Man and Mr Fantastic and.... The official Battle thread 3606388844 )
- Advanced reflexes.
- Accelerated healing factor. (Can regenerate and trigger mitosis more quickly than regular humans. Although not as
good as Wolverine....that guy can apparently regenerate organs in a few hours. Shocked )
- Brutal strength.
- Acrobatic and martial artistic skills.
- A moderate shot. (Have missed a shot before...will miss again. xD Especially with a pistol.)
- Can fly/glide.
- Fast runner. (He's not Flash but he can certainly outrun the fastest humans.)
- Suffers from the anxiety of possibly lethally injuring or killing his opponent. (Depending on the opponent, he may
go easy on them unless his conscience is having a holiday somewhere in lala land. Sorry that was random.lol! )

- Dual wielding swords. Forged from metals stolen from the SACT research facility.
- One out of the two diamond swords in the world that can bring back the dead.
May one day retrieve the other from Slim...
- Backup assassination knife. (Was more useful when he was in the military.)
- Backup pistol. (He's a moderate shot...60-85% chance he'll get the shot.)
- Sometimes, he gets issued with rifles, machine guns, has been known to
fight in a fighter jet, martial art fighting staff and an RPG/bazooka.

Impressive feats:
- Escaped a SACT laboratory.
- Has currently taken down around 100-300 SACT officials, exact number is unknown.
- Survived (or yet to survive if you want to be technical) a fighter jet
and its missiles.
- Survived 4 wars: 3 military/navy operations and 1 fusion war.
- Taken down a helicopter. (Without injuring the pilot.)
- Has held his breath under water for 4 minutes. He has no idea how he did it. Usually he's
not amphibious enough to survive 1.5 minutes in water.

Stats and weaknesses:
Strength - usual maximum load is 2-4 heavy stealth jets. (That's like 20-40 tons. O_o)
Endurance - stamina significantly shortens after draining light energy out of his eyes. Recharges in around
0.5 - 1 hour.
Sprinting, rowing, fighting, thinking: all become less efficient when heavily injured.
Bullet resistance: Can survive 4-10 bullets and then may enter a coma stage.
Fall resistance: Enters coma or death if he falls from a high building after
being lethally injured or just if he falls from a space ship without a suit to absorb some of the shock.
Punch resistance: Very high, can withstand hundreds of decent punches to the face without instant recovery.
Kick resistance: When sword fighting, being kicked can ruin his chances of winning unless he gets kicked far enough to give him time to get up.
Blocking power: can easily stop low-medium tier fighters but may struggle with heavy weights. (Really big or skilled fighters.)
- Bella? Fangirl armies?

- Scientist.
- Soldier.
- Rock star.

Form: human/angel/genetically modified military experiment.

Alias: XLR8 147
Real identity: unknown.

The official Battle thread Xlr8_210

Last edited by XLR8 147 on Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:41 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Oli Zombieweasel
Oli Zombieweasel

FusionFall Name : Oli Zombieweasel
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Join date : 2011-11-19
Age : 27
FF Location : Aionios

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 2:20 pm

I'm gonna do something like X did....

Oliver Zombieweasel:

- Novice knowledge in astronomy.
- Can fly (Using the P.U.T.T.U.H. Can also use Cryptid Batpack, to glide).
- Slightly good reflexes... (Being in the 7 Legends has really payed off! Despite the fact he's been more of the Peppy the Hare/Slippy the Toad of the team...)
- Novice to Advanced gamer and shooter (Depending on the game. Though playing lots of Space Invaders on the 7 Legends control comp has finally got him to the top with 10,000 points (Beating X's score of 9,999). Though the moon has been accidently blown to pieces several times...)
- Average strength (In between Edd and Patrick Star)
- Slow runner (Actually a fast runner... For a minute or two...)

- Laser glasses!
- Robo-legs (They're made of metal...!).
- Val Hallen's Guitar (Despite it being pink, it sure packs a punch! Or bolt of electricity).
- Cryptid vomit (Actually just stuns the enemy for a short while. Imagine Mario using F.L.U.D.D., and you'll get the idea of how this works).
- Tapioca (For those unfortunate to get under Oliver when flying through the air).

Impressive feats:

- Ever wondered how the moon always used to blow up during the days of the old Legends...?
- Invented a drug which allows the user to look young forever! (So far, only Oliver himself has used this. He's actually 300 years old! Kidding! He's actually 21.)
- Lost his legs in a little explosive acid accident.
- Somehow gained God-like powers. When using these powers, he apparently turns into a skeleton-like figure. Though he so far only used this once. And in case you didn't know, it wasn't actually Fuse who destroyed Stormalong...

Stats and Weaknesses:
- Strength - About average for a lvl 36.
- Endurance - Not a lot. 'Nuff said.
- Sprinting - Okay for a couple of minutes.
- Rowing - Unknown. Never rowed in his life. Apart from that time when he was 4 with a friend in an INFLATABLE BOAT in the SEA!
- Fighting - Pretty good.
- Thinking - INCREDIBLE! Here's a sneak peek:

"I wonder what's on TV? Did I live the oven on? This is like Super Smash Bros! I wonder when Pikmin 3 is coming out?"

- Bullet resistance - Through the leg is fine. Won't feel a thing.
- Fall resistance - No one knows. He always pulls something out at the last minute.
- Punch resistance - He's gotta be hiding something in that lab coat!
- Kick resistance - Super!
- Blocking power - Blocking is against his beliefs.


- 7 Legends 7th in command
- Scientist

Form: Human.

The official Battle thread Me-in-the-show-series-1

Last edited by Oliver Zombieweasel on Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
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RETIRED Administrator

RETIRED Administrator
XLR8 147
XLR8 147

FusionFall Name : XLR8 147 + IRON 147
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Join date : 2010-08-21
Age : 28
FF Location : Sector V [Future :D]

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 2:39 pm

@Oliver, whoa, I never knew there was so much Oliver kept from us! lol!
Epic battle profile! The official Battle thread 1931472354
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

FusionFall Name : The Cypher
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Join date : 2012-04-12
Age : 22
FF Location : The Abyss

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 3:57 pm

Advanced in twin sword (mostly made from electricity)
Has knowledge of basic attack moves so can easily block or dodge
Can make someone become frozen fear sometimes when I look them in the eyes (or through blindfold)
Can sometimes make enemies confused by telling them to give up in persuading voice or by yelling random gibberish
Goes crazy when eats double chocolate fudge cake
Has a evil crazy demon inside

- Dual electric wielding swords. Forged from my dad, Aaron Omega, before the war happened and he forgot about me.
-Uranium kyrptonite ice rifle custom made by myself from "borrowing" at Dexlabs.
- Grim's Scythe (from winning a bet of who could eat more double chocolate fudge cakes) Used to sometimes make a small portal underneath enemy which they fall into but get stuck.
- Fire pistol, probably won't hit them unless I have the gun on their body.
- is mostly good witha hand to hand combat or kicking people non-stop

Impressive feats:
- Escaped nuclear explosion (actually it was my gas when I ate 5 tons of beans and it made the galaxy become toxic air to everything
Ate 5 tons of beans
- Survived Fuse 5 times and escaped from rabid army of llamas.
- Taken down a 10 Providence fighter ships for trying to capture me and "put me to sleep"

Stats and weaknesses:
Strength - usual maximum load is 304 heavy stealth jets. (That's like 30-40 tons. O_o)
Endurance - stamina significantly shortens taking lots of hits or after eating chocolate fudge cake and stop becoming crazy
Sprinting, rowing, fighting, thinking: all become less efficient when heavily injured.
Bullet resistance: Can sometimes just weave self through bullets when Demon form
Fall resistance: Gets injured but can fight a little bit from range
Punch resistance: Very high, can withstand hundreds of decent punches to the face without instant recovery.
Kick resistance: Not very good can easily trip over it
Blocking power: can easily stop low-medium tier fighters but may struggle with heavy weights. (Really big or skilled fighters.)

- Demon assassin
-Electrical engineer

Form: human/demon/EVO (after being caught by Providence and tampered on he gained control of electricity)

Alias: The Demon
Real identity: Brad Omega

Demon Form: The official Battle thread Demoni12 SO DOES ANYONE WANNA BATTLE?!
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
Level : 36
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Join date : 2012-02-05
FF Location : home.

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 7:20 pm


All my stats?

Insta kill...
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

FusionFall Name : The Cypher
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 7:36 pm

HomChoi wrote:

All my stats?

Insta kill...
Hom you can't have instant kill moves.
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FusionFall Name : Jazz "Mau" Taluring
Level : 21
Female Posts : 6296
Join date : 2011-09-06
Age : 33
FF Location : Sustained Panic

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 7:43 pm

You guy's starts are all very well done. Bradley, you had a bit of Copypasta there but that's all good. Oliver, other than the God-like powers, Your stats are amazingly balanced. nothing too over the top but it shows you can hold your own in battle all at the same time.

Even though it's a lost cause, I might post one up about Rex.

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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

FusionFall Name : The Cypher
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Join date : 2012-04-12
Age : 22
FF Location : The Abyss

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PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 7:44 pm

Undelos wrote:
You guy's starts are all very well done. Bradley, you had a bit of Copypasta there but that's all good. Oliver, other than the God-like powers, Your stats are amazingly balanced. nothing too over the top but it shows you can hold your own in battle all at the same time.

Even though it's a lost cause, I might post one up about Rex.

What is Rex? Evo,Angel,Demon,Pig,Magic User,Lame Human
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FusionFall Name : Jazz "Mau" Taluring
Level : 21
Female Posts : 6296
Join date : 2011-09-06
Age : 33
FF Location : Sustained Panic

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 7:51 pm

As far as plot allows................he's just human.....but with the unexplainable (as far as plot allows ) ability to communicate with animals.

Any animal.

Even Fusions.

Whattheheck. I'll go and make it right now.
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FusionFall Name : Zane Sunboskov
Level : 36
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Join date : 2012-06-11
Age : 24
FF Location : The little secluded island in Bravo Beach thinking

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:21 pm

well here are my stats, be afraid of my ultimate power


  • A man that posses all 8 Dragoon Spirits and can weild them all
  • Can combine the power of all the Dragoon Spirits to create an ultimate form
  • Posseses an aresenal of old school weapons that are amplified by the Dragoon Spirits
  • Knows the secret fighting technique, The Rouge Art


  • A sword that can cut through anything
  • A bow that can shoot mouse a mile away
  • A lance that can pierce through anything
  • Fists that can break through solid steel
  • An axe capable of smashing through 2 ton boulders
  • A hammer that can create shockwaves when hit on the ground

Impressive Feats

  • Saved the world from the God of Destruction
  • Survived the Divine Tree being destroyed

Stats and Weaknesses

  • Defense: Ridiculous (only when wearing divine and ultimate armor, otherwise average in normal form, and high in any dragoon form)
  • Speed: Incredibly Fast (in all dragoon forms, due to flight speed, otherwise average)
  • Strength: Very high (only in ultimate form, other wise fairly high)
  • Weakness: The weapons have the strength of normal weapons when against living creatures


  • Slim De Jackson's brainwashed minion
  • Hero of the universe


  • Dragoon

Real identity

  • Zane Sunboskov

Last edited by Dragoongamer86 on Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

FusionFall Name : The Cypher
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:23 pm

I think he's a bit to over powered. he has to have a weakness and not like every weapon can break through stuff dude. He's too much of a Mary Sue!
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FusionFall Name : Zane Sunboskov
Level : 36
Male Posts : 4292
Join date : 2012-06-11
Age : 24
FF Location : The little secluded island in Bravo Beach thinking

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:25 pm

i don't do weakness
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

FusionFall Name : The Cypher
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Age : 22
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:26 pm

Dragoongamer86 wrote:
i don't do weakness
Dude everyone has some types of weaknesses!!!!
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:26 pm



I dunno I like to sit on beach chairs and dirnk beer...


I created everything... YOU FIGURE IT OUT!

Aweosme stuff I am known for:

Well im the reason you exist...
I created everything...
God of Everything and Everything there will be...

Stuff I do:

Watch fights whilst digesting Brads Bacon and drinking beers...
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
Level : 36
Male Posts : 3753
Join date : 2012-02-05
FF Location : home.

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:27 pm

Dragoongamer86 wrote:
i don't do weakness

Your weakness is my boot which has entered your face a million times...
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

FusionFall Name : The Cypher
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Join date : 2012-04-12
Age : 22
FF Location : The Abyss

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:28 pm

HomChoi wrote:


I dunno I like to sit on beach chairs and dirnk beer...


I created everything... YOU FIGURE IT OUT!

Aweosme stuff I am known for:

Well im the reason you exist...
I created everything...
God of Everything and Everything there will be...

Stuff I do:

Watch fights whilst digesting Brads Bacon and drinking beers...
:sigh: :sigh: :sigh: :sigh: :sigh:
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FusionFall Name : Zane Sunboskov
Level : 36
Male Posts : 4292
Join date : 2012-06-11
Age : 24
FF Location : The little secluded island in Bravo Beach thinking

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:29 pm

Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
i don't do weakness
Dude everyone has some types of weaknesses!!!!

actually i said that my weakness is unknown, which means i do have 1, but it's not known, and i couldn't think of 1
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
Level : 36
Male Posts : 3753
Join date : 2012-02-05
FF Location : home.

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:31 pm

Undead Brad wrote:
HomChoi wrote:


I dunno I like to sit on beach chairs and dirnk beer...


I created everything... YOU FIGURE IT OUT!

Aweosme stuff I am known for:

Well im the reason you exist...
I created everything...
God of Everything and Everything there will be...

Stuff I do:

Watch fights whilst digesting Brads Bacon and drinking beers...
The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550

You know you loved it...
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

FusionFall Name : The Cypher
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Join date : 2012-04-12
Age : 22
FF Location : The Abyss

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:31 pm

Dragoongamer86 wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
i don't do weakness
Dude everyone has some types of weaknesses!!!!

actually i said that my weakness is unknown, which means i do have 1, but it's not known, and i couldn't think of 1
well make up one! and still you need to lower his attacks and defense and speed and most of weapons are over powered too, how bout you have a gun thats really powerful but only has one use each day or something!
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
Level : 36
Male Posts : 3753
Join date : 2012-02-05
FF Location : home.

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:32 pm

Ill mac and cheese a proper battle mofile sum up day...
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FusionFall Name : Zane Sunboskov
Level : 36
Male Posts : 4292
Join date : 2012-06-11
Age : 24
FF Location : The little secluded island in Bravo Beach thinking

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:32 pm

Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
i don't do weakness
Dude everyone has some types of weaknesses!!!!

actually i said that my weakness is unknown, which means i do have 1, but it's not known, and i couldn't think of 1
well make up one! and still you need to lower his attacks and defense and speed and most of weapons are over powered too, how bout you have a gun thats really powerful but only has one use each day or something!

really i can't tone down my awesome
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

FusionFall Name : The Cypher
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Join date : 2012-04-12
Age : 22
FF Location : The Abyss

The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:33 pm

Dragoongamer86 wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
i don't do weakness
Dude everyone has some types of weaknesses!!!!

actually i said that my weakness is unknown, which means i do have 1, but it's not known, and i couldn't think of 1
well make up one! and still you need to lower his attacks and defense and speed and most of weapons are over powered too, how bout you have a gun thats really powerful but only has one use each day or something!

really i can't tone down my awesome
then no one gonna battle you dude cause you character is to much of a Mary Sue!
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FusionFall Name : Zane Sunboskov
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:35 pm

Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
i don't do weakness
Dude everyone has some types of weaknesses!!!!

actually i said that my weakness is unknown, which means i do have 1, but it's not known, and i couldn't think of 1
well make up one! and still you need to lower his attacks and defense and speed and most of weapons are over powered too, how bout you have a gun thats really powerful but only has one use each day or something!

really i can't tone down my awesome
then no one gonna battle you dude cause you character is to much of a Mary Sue!

ok, then how about a mod changes it, they do have the power to do that, and i'm not good at toning down stuff
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:36 pm

Dragoongamer86 wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
Dragoongamer86 wrote:
i don't do weakness
Dude everyone has some types of weaknesses!!!!

actually i said that my weakness is unknown, which means i do have 1, but it's not known, and i couldn't think of 1
well make up one! and still you need to lower his attacks and defense and speed and most of weapons are over powered too, how bout you have a gun thats really powerful but only has one use each day or something!

really i can't tone down my awesome
then no one gonna battle you dude cause you character is to much of a Mary Sue!

ok, then how about a mod changes it, they do have the power to do that, and i'm not good at toning down stuff
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FusionFall Name : Jazz "Mau" Taluring
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:57 pm

HomChoi wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
HomChoi wrote:


I dunno I like to sit on beach chairs and dirnk beer...


I created everything... YOU FIGURE IT OUT!

Aweosme stuff I am known for:

Well im the reason you exist...
I created everything...
God of Everything and Everything there will be...

Stuff I do:

Watch fights whilst digesting Brads Bacon and drinking beers...
The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550

You know you loved it...

Yeah. Yeah I did. lol!

The Hom's weakness would probably be sticking a Mirror in front of him and watch as he gets distracted by this Handome Devil that just came out of nowhere to grace his veiwing holes.
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 8:57 pm

Undelos wrote:
HomChoi wrote:
Undead Brad wrote:
HomChoi wrote:


I dunno I like to sit on beach chairs and dirnk beer...


I created everything... YOU FIGURE IT OUT!

Aweosme stuff I am known for:

Well im the reason you exist...
I created everything...
God of Everything and Everything there will be...

Stuff I do:

Watch fights whilst digesting Brads Bacon and drinking beers...
The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550 The official Battle thread 3402580550

You know you loved it...

Yeah. Yeah I did. lol!

The Hom's weakness would probably be sticking a Mirror in front of him and watch as he gets distracted by this Handome Devil that just came out of nowhere to grace his veiwing holes.
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:02 pm

Dragoon my friend... Every story has a end...

-Le boot into jaw-

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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:04 pm

everybody eeeeat some turkey! everybody eeeeat some turkey! gotta dip in BBQ for a spicy taste with some gravy! GRAVY GRAVY! IIII'MMM GOING!!!!! INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!!!!!!
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:07 pm

Gimme some that sounds like the kinda food I make when im alone at my house...
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:09 pm

HomChoi wrote:
Gimme some that sounds like the kinda food I make when im alone at my house...
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:13 pm

Its cool Brah I got some Tobasco sauce Bacon, Some Chicken...

All in a baguette maybe add some Fajita mix sauce... Eat it... AND LAUGH!

Fajita Chicken with bacon and Tobasco sauce on top in a nice white long bagguette....

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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:15 pm

HomChoi wrote:
Its cool Brah I got some Tobasco sauce Bacon, Some Chicken...

All in a baguette maybe add some Fajita mix sauce... Eat it... AND LAUGH!

Fajita Chicken with bacon and Tobasco sauce on top in a nice white long bagguette....

takes all of what Hom said and eats it all
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:16 pm

Lol Dude I am already cooking that hcicken and Bacon!
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:17 pm

Yeah I could say X is a 100% invincible immortal God of everything...


Hom: 'I am the real God, bro.'
X: *Shuts Hom up.*
*Magically throws him into the corner of the universe and we hear of Hom no more.*

Wow...boring battle.

Now let's modify this:

Dragoon's weaknesses: slayer swords, stamina decreases after long flight periods,
bright light, etc.

Hom's weaknesses: (And no...he can't be a God...lol. That's overkill.)
Looking at himself in the mirror, memes about him, can't hold breath for more than 15 seconds, kryptonite.....lol.

Ok let's see how interesting the battle can be:


X: Dragoon, I warned you, you don't want to mess with us military experiments. We'll own you.

Dragoon: 'Ha, seriously? You and what army?'

X: 'This army.'
*Shows biceps.*

Hom: The official Battle thread 3525700292 Dude.
*Kicks dragoon into the ocean.*

Dragoon: 'Oh no....angel boy, if I'm going down, you're going DOWN TOO.'
*Drags Hom into the water.*

X....a little help...' *bubble bubble...*

X: *Drains his eye light energy and evaporates the water in mere seconds.*
Hom: Dragoon, now it's my move.The official Battle thread 976985968
Dragoon: The official Battle thread 2702200621
Hom: *Brings out his slayer sword.*
Dragoon: The official Battle thread 3686606283 'You wouldn't!'
Hom: The official Battle thread 2753327348
X: Well I just got my shirt dry cleaned so....
I'm going to avoid any stains.
The official Battle thread 18009491

Dragoon: *Fire breath turns into water.*

To be continued....

Which is better? Lol. The second is more balanced and interesting. The official Battle thread 4276145973 The official Battle thread 3377726388
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:19 pm


All hell shall be revealed
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:20 pm

Second version *spills Hom's beer and it disappears forever*
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
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PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:22 pm

Who... Spilt ... My ... BEER!!!!
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:23 pm

HomChoi wrote:
Who... Spilt ... My ... BEER!!!!
I did! Glare come at me bro
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:50 pm

-Standing up form beach chair-

-Walks up to Brad-

-Hugs him and whispers into his ear-

I forgive you -Sniff- I do...

-Walks back to Beach Chair and cracks open a new beer-
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 9:52 pm

HomChoi wrote:
-Standing up form beach chair-

-Walks up to Brad-

-Hugs him and whispers into his ear-

I forgive you -Sniff- I do...

-Walks back to Beach Chair and cracks open a new beer-
smacks beer out of Hom's hand whenever he gets a new beer
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 10:11 pm

-Raises to get new beer the second Brad knocks it outta my hand I kick him in the crotch and push him away-


-Opens can of Red Bull-
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 10:12 pm

HomChoi wrote:
-Raises to get new beer the second Brad knocks it outta my hand I kick him in the crotch and push him away-


-Opens can of Red Bull-
regains breath quickly and smacks red bull out of hand and kicks him in the crotch
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FusionFall Name : Zane Sunboskov
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 10:17 pm

brad, i did decide to make a weakness, read it, and tell me if that balances out the weapon's strength
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 10:19 pm

Dragoongamer86 wrote:
brad, i did decide to make a weakness, read it, and tell me if that balances out the weapon's strength
I guess so also lets continue out battle! I shot you in the back with my Uranium kryptonite ice rifle
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FusionFall Name : hom choi
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 10:22 pm

-Le tear wells up in one eye-

-Stays stiff-

Its... Cool...
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FusionFall Name : Zane Sunboskov
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The official Battle thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 10:25 pm

ok, *begins to weaken and loses ultimate form, (and also i will make an edit so only in ultimate form do i have ultimate stats) takes out old toxic heater to mealt the ice, then uses a healing potion to regain strength, then transforms into red eyed dragoon, and uses final burst*
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Undead Brad

Undead Brad
Undead Brad
Undead Brad

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PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 10:27 pm

Dragoongamer86 wrote:
ok, *begins to weaken and loses ultimate form, (and also i will make an edit so only in ultimate form do i have ultimate stats) takes out old toxic heater to mealt the ice, then uses a healing potion to regain strength, then transforms into red eyed dragoon, and uses final burst*
(where is the setting of the battle anyways? how about we are surrounded by mountains and a unbreakable glass dome is above us until one of us gives up or does a tactical retreat.) Get's thrown back against mountain and a avalanche occurs and rocks starts tumbling down everywhere.
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FusionFall Name : Zane Sunboskov
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PostSubject: Re: The official Battle thread   The official Battle thread EmptyThu Aug 02, 2012 10:31 pm

fine with me
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