I want to be able to chat without too much hassle but I also dont want to see some sad basement dweller cursing out some 11 year old kid just because he thinks that his Level 36 prowess entitles him to.
2- Quick Access Emotes for the Chat:
Its not a very difficult concept to understand. In Second Life as well as League of Legends, If you type in, say for instance "/angry" Your character/Avatar will play the Angry emote. It is WAYYY faster than going through the bloody list, clicking on each and EVERY subcategory JUST to find the "Sad" emote.
It makes chatting more fun and the emotes more part of everyday FusionFall life.
3- Overhaul of the character Animations:
This should go without saying. C'Mon. They were great at first but some of these animations are rather stale and others just need to be improved.
i. I'd like to see more out of the SideStep Actions,
ii. an improved fighting animation with the Melee weapon,
iii. make jumping off of high story buildings more fun by making an Animation Instance for that. (something along the lines of what the character does in Saint's Row 2.)
WE NEEDS TO BASE JUMP PLooooooooooooolx!
iv. Improve the 'Skateboard' type vehicle animations. (They' could be better. Please change them.)
v. Make it at least LOOK LIKE you've payed attention to mainstream Anime and its fandom and throw us a bone. Heck League of Legends threw their rabid Anime fans one.
Just ask Ezriel to show you his sweet moves.
Heck. You dont have to even do Anime. Reference to ANYTHING and you will make me a Happy member.
I just seen gameplay of Level Up! Its not impressive. FusionFall was your "Biggest Game Ever" So why are you giving it up to pump out a bunch of shallow, side scrolling lame ones? We Dedicated FusionFall Heroes ARE THERE TO STAY! We aren't going to go to any other game that you want to claim "EETS THE HOTTEST NEW THING!! KIDS ARE JUST GUNNA LUFF IT!! LOL." No. We are dedicated to our one and only favorite online game FusionFall and I'm not about to trade that for some WoW knock off or some overhyped Project Exonaut junk.
You should have definetly maintained connection with your more "older" fans......like yours truly. We'll give the 'logical' feedback that you need, as well as being more dedicated than your younger "flighty" members. Granted yes. You need to hear your younger members out since that's primarly what you care about anyways..........
But which group has the money you want buddie boies???
Might be my most contriversial complaint yet.........But it must be done.
It started going down hill a couple of months after Free 2 Play ended. Thats when all the care that went into FusionFall ended. Heck, If anyone has noticed, Rigby and Mordecai's models dont have the Toon shading effect built in and they dont even have dance animations.
If It will get to to care again, You can offer to line your pockets with cash you dont need if it brings back your concern for FusionFall............since obviously keeping on it out of the goodness of your hearts isnt cutting it.
IF YOU DO CHARGE, Dont do a subscription thing. Instead, have the option of paying for cash worthy items such as ULTRA SOOPER COLOSSUSLY POWERFUL Weapons, Outfits and Armour that is drool worthy, Speed boosts to your rides.
You know, stuff that WONT IMPEDE START TO FINISH GAMEPLAY but stuff that we wont help but to indulge in the future. I could see me buying an outfit or two for about $0.99 cents or saving up to purchase a Base for my Fansite and making that our meeting place in FusionFall. You guys just gotta think about this stuff.
6- No Houses you dorks. SECRET BASES IS WHATS IN!
Yus! Just thought of this just now!!!!! No houses lamez!! Instead some users can purchase SECRET BASES!!!! This will ALSO Allow you to have a Guild, Group, Fansite Meeting place and so forth. It stands apart from FreeRealms and Wizard 101's thing of houses and castles and whatknot, Will relate COMPLETELY with the concept of "FUSIONFALL," as well as having an ACTUAL FUNCTION versus "hay look guise! check out my seweeeet houz lolz!"
It should actually have some sort of strategic planning function in them, as well as once in and registered with 'said' base and group, It can be set as a Default warp destination.
Possibly should be equipped with a Holographic map or something that shows where all the Fusion Monsters are.
Should also include a Nano Station.
As well as a DexBot for rent.
Now I dont know where they will be sitting in game. I'm not sure whether you should be able to find it on a map or keep it......well a Secret. But then again, the idea of having your Base in the Darklands is pretty daring so that is totally up for debate.
However...........If it will get you to care again CN.....just charge a small fee for something like this.
I'd say this is my most INGENIOUS IDEA HERE.
7- Make going underwater a new location:
Nothing much to say here. Other than the fact I'd love to see what you guys can do with an Atlantis type of area.
8- Institute our own Custom Hero Powers:
I know the Cartoon Network Characters are the "initial" Heroes of the story but they shouldn't be the only ones. If you have a White haired, Linkin Park fan running around with 2 sets of Angel Wings on his back...........I'd like to think that he is, in fact, some sort of angel -orrr.... Bird-Human hybrid thingie.
(I insult.....because I care.)
It would only be fitting if he ACTUALLY WAS ONE. Just because those were the initial heroes of Cartoon Network doesn't mean there arent other "Super Heroes" around that havent been revealed yet.
Heck, that could be a thing to charge a fee to as well.
Institute the option of actually becoming SuperHuman.
These Powers will come from a few items that can be upgraded. I'd like to call it "Awaken your Powers."
Whether it means that you can now Fly whenever you want because you now have the wings of Big Chill, Dual Angel Wings, Demon wings, or those Butterfly wings.
Or because you have the wolf tail, You now have super strength or super speed.
Having the Blindfold gives you FusionMonster radar and gives you the ability to dodge Enemy attacks.
(I think in order to activate some or possibly all of these abilities, you should talk to a teacher to 'hone' these skills. Such as Talking to Samurai Jack for the Bindfold ability will activate it.........as well as giving you a montage for it. NO MORE CUTTING CORNERS. MONTAGE FTW. )
Could also Become a Vampire and have the natural ability to drain HP -orrrr....Life energy from fusion monsters, (The amount will depend on your level) eventually turning them to stone or whatever. (Hey! they may be Biohazardous green stuff but there has to be SOMETHING that makes them alive and EVUL RIGHT??? ) Having a Drain ability Nano can double this effect..........Making it completely broken.
But lolzworthy.
And good for Healthy Fanfiction.
Awakening with the Scythe may grant you the ability to revive a downed teammate and prevent you from dying.
Equiping a nano with the same powers of any effect may enhance OR TRANSFORM SAID ABIILITY INTO SOMETHING MUCH MORE POWERFUL.
Those are only just a few that I thought of. There are HUNDREDS MORE items and more ways for customization and ways to save the world.
Those so called heroes are only NPC's and dont even do anything.
So why should they have all the fun stuff?
9- Make Monsters MOAR MONSTEROUS
Hack -n- Slash? Really CN???
I know you want to make this for kids but I can teach my nephew how to use said ability against said monster. Dont "kiddify" it like this though. Can you make it to where some monsters you have to think STRATEGICALLY on how to beat them.
Just scripting the A.I. to swarm me once I start knocking off one of their Monster buddies or putting a rather low level monster with A TON OF HitPoints is not really challenging anymore. You have the OPPOSITE problem that Blizzard Activision had with WoW. Your players cant take the combat seriously because.........well, it ain't serious.
Dungeon raiding in WoW is SRRRRUS BUSINESS.
FusionLair Busting in FusionFall is point and click. The End.
Dont make it really too much harder for younger kids.
Just make it more mentally challenging and "Tag Team with other Heroes" worthy.
Give us a REASON to team up and make the monsters more engaging.
10- Boost Level Cap:
No Explanation Necessary. Just Immediate action.
11- Increase party size:
If you dont want to do that, at least allow two groups to join together.
I've ran into this issue a little too much for my liking....
Subject: Project: REVIVE
A member signed up recently on the dA's FusionFall Fan Club page and posted this comment about a Project for the FusionFall community. I took a look at it...........and......well......
Me Gusta.
Muy, muy, MUCHO.
The link that they provided took me to FusionFall Central, where they were originally talking about this so called project. Good of them to NOT spread the news because that shtuff would have been PLENTY HELPFUL forever and a day ago....but alass, I digress.
The Thread poster hosted up this PDF of a letter to petition FusionFall to Give attention back to the game and work on new ideas that players want to see.
Here is the Link to the document online:
I merely just skimmed it and from what I saw, one, this person isn't some random kid putting together a heartfelt letter to send to Gringon to ask them to "Care again and stuff 'cause fusionfol is the best lol." Nope. We got Indentions, Bullets, Fully formed and cohesive thoughts and that alone impressed me.
Two, the person makes some good points about having the Barber Shop, PvP, and a new Weapon: The Gauntlet.
And Three. PvP man.
PvP. That is what happened to the Dinosaurs. And a Gauntlet. With Fried eggs and the power of a Thunderstorm all wrapped up inside 4 Powercells on each of your knuckles.
I mean c'mon. Its fun to punch things as big as a house to death in front of Level 4 players but just the mere fact of having something shiny and explosive to do it with is so much better.
Anyways, I was in a rare mood when I made this message so excuse my lunacy. Check out the PDF and tell me what you think.
Oh did I mention that this person didn't make a single mention about having "Pets?" Kudos to that guy because seriously If I heard another kid say that FusionFall should "so tootally have pets and houses because they r cool" I was seriously going to spam the URL to FreeRealms all over any account that I find of theirs...and their Face. If I find them.
Undlos's word's.This Is the Page For update
On Project:R
comment below ideas and stuff.I hope we make them hear our voices.