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Unreal 3 Engine Running On The Web, Thanks to Mozilla & Epic.
Subject: Unreal 3 Engine Running On The Web, Thanks to Mozilla & Epic. Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:46 pm
he company behind Firefox, Mozilla, have revealed that they have teamed up with Epic Games and created a web based version of the Unreal Engine 3 using JavaScript.
So, the above pretty much sums it all up, but a 1 paragraph article doesn’t look good, does it? So I’ll expand.
What Mozilla and Epic have done, is very clever. They have made a JacaScript based version of the engine so you can now use the game engine on your web, WITHOUT the need for silly plugins like Flash.
Surprisingly, it only took the 2 companies to port the popular engine 4 days *mind blown* like I said, if you weren’t reading, using the JavaScript code. I wish I was that clever! If you watch the video, it says that the port to the web required 1 million lines of code, I don’t know how to do 1 line of code.
Have a look at the video below, which is the UE3 engine running on the web being showcased. How awesome!
Vladimir Vulicevic, the engineer director at Mozilla , said that his companies intentions was to make the web accessible for high-performance games. He also went to say that it’s “opening up the path to web-based games on mobile”
He was nice enough to reveal that he is working with large companies like Disney, EA and……. Cut the Rope creator called Zeptolab, these companies are using the same sort of JavaScript technology to “bring performance optimizations to their top-rated games”.
I’d like to know how this turns out.
I know UE4 is out, but UE3 is still being knocked around quite a bit, so a high quality web engine is great.
Here is the video for UE3 web engine: Thanks wololo for the news
Unreal 3 Engine Running On The Web, Thanks to Mozilla & Epic.