Ever saw any of those Ps3 or Xbox hacks and didnt know if they were real or not.Well nearly all of them are fake.Before you download look here to see if that dev is trusted
Black List is below the White List!
The "White List" is a compiled list of trusted developers. Every heard of "White Hat" and "Black Hat" Hackers? Well, same thing. The developers on this list are from anything PlayStation. It includes Hackers, Homebrew Developers, and those who are HBL Contributors!
These Developer CAN be trusted!
-Team failoverflow
-Wth (Yosh, yMenu)
-Acid_Snake (pyMenu)
-The Z
The black list
White List can be found above the Black List!
The "Black List" is a compiled list of Fake, Untrusted Developers! Ever heard of "White Hat" and "Black Hat" Hackers? Well, same thing. This list includes mostly those who are untrusted in the PlayStation Scene for either posting fake content, virus infected files, surveys, donations and reserve lists for donations!
These Developers CAN'T Be trusted!
-Mooses 910
-Mr. Egg (All Egg Devs)
-SuperVisionaryHD (Youtube User, Scams users money for fake San Andreas Files on the Vita)