D'awwh that first one is so adorable!!! I love it xD hahaha
And well i've always thought marcies drawings were amazing xD haha i mean even in the beginning, especially cuz i had no idea how to draw online xD haha in some ways i feel like i thought of marcie like an older brother xD hahaha
But now we're all getting better and being awesome xD
Okay okay, what about things you look up to and inspire to be like?
Here's some for me:
[url=http://svyre.deviantart.com/art/Feraelyn-363892861?q=sort%3Atime favby%3aglorytheangel&qo=10]
(yeah this sorta inspired my other drawing, that's why they look similar)
[url=http://mictones.deviantart.com/art/Water-Mage-Stage-3-Super-Rare-337363386?q=sort%3Atime favby%3aglorytheangel&qo=6]
[/url] this one's just pretty awesome....
[url=http://wlop.deviantart.com/art/Angel-359404317?q=sort%3Atime favby%3aglorytheangel&qo=64]
i think that one is just so amazing... i love it so much
[url=http://viria13.deviantart.com/art/Leo-353863188?q=sort%3Atime favby%3aglorytheangel&qo=141]
dude this artist is cussin amazing.... xD
Haha yeah xP that's the stuff that inspires me xD