Never had your character drawn?
Want an artist here to draw your character?
Just post here saying so.
I've never really drawn anyone other than X, Hom, Oliver, uh...I think that's it actually.
I've got a couple of drawings coming up that I've partially drawn.
One is of the Underground Angel Faction (UAF) Undelos keeps talking about.
(Has X, X's wife/gf, Hom Choi, Ace Cometshark, Lady Xtreme and Bella in it.)
Don't think there are any other white haired/angel winged members here...
Could be wrong.
The other is of X's death scene. (In one of the versions of the Xtremist story arcs.)
It has X, X's wife, (name not decided yet) Hom Choi, Hom's wife/gf,
Undelos and Oliver in it.
I might have space to add people in or draw someone on a separate new drawing, etc.
Anyone want to be drawn?
I warn you, I don't practice often and my pencils get blunt REALLY QUICKLY,
so I don't produce work that's THAT good. You'll have to ask the real artists around here for that.
(E.g. Grumpy, Undelos, Oliver, Glory, etc. etc. missed a lot of people but you get it.)
You can also offer to draw anyone in the thread too.