I decided to give WoW a go earlier, and I'm at about lvl 4 or 5. Not much to review, but here we go.
The download time takes forever. Not as bad as DCUO, but that's probably just me. You can't play immediately, but once it's about half-way through the installation, then go ahead.
The graphics aren't great, but I should cut it some slack, it was released back in 2004, and it's a big game. There's only so much you can add in the game before it becomes laggy. Nintendo had to edit Ocarina of Time so that whatever Link wasn't facing would simply not be there. Admittedly, it was on the N64, and was the first Zelda game on that platform, but it's just an analogy.
The game starts out like FusionFall. Your first missions involve you defeating enemies that are roaming around a select area. Though the targeting system is fairly different.
Overall, I didn't find the game addicting. It was alright, but I'll give it about 4/10. Not the best review, but what does this look like? IGN?