RAM and hard drive space are two different things.
RAM is the memory of the machine, which you need a decent amount (at least 2GB recommended for the original FusionFall
although FusionFall Legacy might be faster).
Hard drive space is how much space you have to save files.
My laptop has about 500GB hard drive space and 4GB RAM (memory).
What model is your tablet? Or perhaps you can look at the box
and see what RAM and hard drive capacity it has.
The processor is important too. (My processor is a triple core processor, with each core at 2.1GHZ.)
The graphics card is also important but it should be fine with anything with
128mb graphics memory (VRAM or video RAM)
or more. (My laptop has a dedicated 1GB VRAM.)
I have a feeling you can play FusionFall with it
as technology is getting better and cheaper.
Maybe you can connect a mouse and keyboard with it too.