If anyone wondered why all of a sudden I stopped coming on so often, Its because I accidently Unseated the Heat Sink on my Processor on my Main Laptop two weeks ago.
I took it apart twice recently, One to blow out my Heat sinks on my GPU and my CPU and re-plug in my fans.
(Yeah, Mine come with two. Cause its BOSS like that...)
And the second time was to switch out my GPU cards.
[For those that ARE NOT X and have no Idea what I'm Talking about:
I took it apart once to blow the dust out of it and the second time to switch out my Graphics card.]
The last time worked out just fine. Heck, I even got my fans to work better.
The second time however, I hit something (My Processor's Heat Sink) when I was putting my other GPU in (Graphics card) and now the Processor overheats and cuts off.
So in Short. Until I get a job (PRAY TO GOD, HOPEFULLY NEXT WEEK) I wont be in FusionFall ANY TIME SOON.
I've got two other Computers but they are nowhere near as good.