- Undarque wrote:
- I heard about that a long time ago. I wasnt sure how I felt about it. I know alot of people were probably upset about that.
I think the writer or someone involved in the comic was threatened with
death threats from low life nerd 'fans'.
Seriously, who on Earth would send DEATH THREATS to a writer involved in a
[primary audience] kids comic book???
Yeah, Spidey is awesome and a classic, but the story telling I think, wasn't given
a chance, sometimes disgraceful (at first) plots give opportunity for other much better plots.
And anyway, it's MARVEL's business what happens, it's not up to fans!
It's like with Xbox One, those bad features were a bit of a disgrace but it's their
business, know what I mean? It's good they switched back but it offended fans in the first place.
Can't say I have an opinion right now, not that I would since I play on PC but anyway.
It's just a comic! Death threats don't solve anything.
It kinda disgusts me how far people go to nerd
RAEGEabout a comic.
Now, I personally don't know much of the story arc, only a little
of 'The Night Gwen Stacy Died' (BRILLIANT COMIC issue, I'm hoping to get my own copy sometime)
and obviously things from the movies (e.g. Spider-Man No More) but
I didn't like the idea with uh....Doc Ock, I won't say more.
But it CAN be interesting and I have an open mind, it's Marvel after all, usually
they get it right, right?
Just my opinion but still, there is NO EXCUSE to death threat someone.
Unless it's to an evil psychopath called Joker. Then you can say worse.
There was also a fantastic story about a terminally ill boy visited by Spider-Man.
Very sad. Along with The Night Gwen Stacy Died.