Note: CartoonNetwork, my intentions are honourable and do NOT includeusing game elements for commercial purposes so don't get mad about this concept.Nostalgic fan game/animation projects should be non-commercial and just for fun.Ok, I've spoken to Venom and we're trying to get as much of FusionFall ripped
as possible.
Also, Eperty has a nice tutorial for getting your character in a T-Pose.
Wilttilt also knows about this stuff.
I might make a tutorial but just in case I don't, 3D Ripper DX or Game Assassin
are software that can rip (technically scan) 3D models in the game.
EDIT: tutorial:'ve ripped X's model a few times. (Not T-Pose yet.)
What is a T-Pose? When your character has its arms out in a T shape (or close to that)
and this allows for a better rip because the mesh can more easily be rigged more accurately
since the mesh isn't so close together. I've tried to simulate it by moving the arms but it's not perfect and
I'm going to try to get a T-Pose.
3D models 'ripped' can then be imported into a 3D modelling/editing software
such as Blender, 3DS MAX, Cinema4D, Maya, etc.
I would say, even if you haven't got a clue about 3D stuff, you should still
get a 3D copy of your character for nostalgia's sake at least.
Then one day people could end up making decent fan projects.
(Remember Wilttilt's game. Similar to that. Or different, up to you.)
I would assume you all would be interested in getting a permanent copy of your character right?
Well, what are you waiting for?? Time's running out.
If anyone needs help, just ask me or someone else experienced in this sort of stuff.
Also, SCAN ANYTHING you download. Even if it's a link I provide or whatever.
Links can change or become infected, it's possible, etc. etc.
Scan with anti-virus software, Virus Total, malwarebytes, etc.
Also, anyone interested in joining me and Venom to capture the game?
I don't know how big of a chunk Wilttilt has captured but it takes ages for one person
to go around all of the game to capture areas.
I really want a capture of the Candy Cove ship and the future or something close to that.